Design Breakdown
When I created this brand, I wanted something that would stand out on store shelves. I included a hidden Easter egg on each package. The image is of a (not so) hidden animal that varies between species according to the landscape. Each bag has a different background, but each landscape remains consistent by using the same illustration style.
Using colours that correspond with their environment helped differentiate the packages. This gave the brand a more unified appearance. When I think about the brand, I feel that a strong or bold font would be appropriate, as it stands out from competitors. The font I chose is called Prohibition. I paired this typeface with Futura because they contrast and complement each other well. The website’s main colours are black and white, which helps the artwork of each bag stand out. The font used on the website is Futura, matching the packaging.
Link to website: NoMADWebsite

Final Thoughts:
Using a different interface to create websites has been a great way for me to expand my knowledge and push myself. I have used Webflow, Wix and WordPress, and now I can add Shopify to that list. I look forward to continuing to learn more about web design and development throughout my career.