About: Bluefields is a vegan restaurant based in Miami that focuses on tropical flavours and atmosphere. Their slogan: "Your taste buds will thank you for a sweet getaway."
Target Audience: People who want to indulge in unique vegan Caribbean cuisine. Bluefields takes the standard Caribbean dish and elevates it with exotic fruits, vegetables & spices. People from the ages of 20-60+.
Deliverables: logo creation, social media templates including copy, printed materials, & merchandise.

Given our target demographic, we felt for an upscale chic restaurant in Miami that focuses on vegan food that these three adjectives best serves our targets. They can also be welcoming to anyone outside of the demographic.

It came down to two of the many concepts I went through with the given specifications. The specifications: elegant, tropical, vintage, modern/minimalistic.
We thought to use the flower of Nicaragua (Bluefields is a city in Nicaragua).
However, we decided as this is generalized Caribbean food, we didn’t want to specify to one location. Therefore palm trees were the primary focus since they are found in many tropical places.
Ultimately they decided to go with the second concept as it fit their brand and they were a fan of the palm icon. The icon mimics the pattern of a palm leaf with a modern yet elegant feeling. The typeface ties it all together.

Keeping in mind the brand feel I went with Artifex as it gives a vintage, yet elegant feel and Greycliff brings in the modern touch. Ultimately, these two pair quite delightfully.

The goal was to create a palette that reflected a welcoming and warm elevated tropical restaurant. There’s a sense of warmth and elegance to the colours. They were inspired from nature. The browns are from coconuts, sand, and dirt. The accent colour comes from the ocean and the sky when the sun strikes the waters during the peak of the day.

The main social media platform that they said they would use is Instagram. My suggestion when it came to their brand and image is to keep them dark, moody and rustic. The reason is that dark/moody photos are usually viewed as upscaled while the rustic addition gives a warm, welcoming and artisanal feel. As for body copy, I thought to have a play in words, keeping it friendly and joyful. This brings a warm, welcoming and youthful feeling to the business.
Note: All images are from Pexel. I claim no ownership. The images used were for demonstration purposes only.